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DotA-Allstars v6.67b AI +Fun Download

Dota-Allstars v6.67b AI +Fun Map Download updated by Overflow. Dota v6.67b AI +Fun

DotA v6.67b AI Fun.w3x (6 MB)

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Latest Dota AI Map
DotA v6.88 AI Chinese Download
DotA v6.83d AI PMV 1.42 English Download
DotA v6.81b AI 1.2.0 Rev 3 Download
DotA v6.81b AI 1.2.0 Rev 2 Download
DotA v6.81b AI English Version Download

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This map is downloaded 74,512 times


  1. can you confirm?

  2. […] can download DotA v6.67 AI+Fun Map here. Related Posts:Never Hurt Panda’s FeelingIleana Tacconelli – Sexy TeacherChange Car […]

  3. Mau

    Ha ha ha!, very funny, thanks a lot friend!

  4. grrgr

  5. eett

  6. razz zick`

    where is dota 6.68 AI?
    ive waiting for u until 3 month…

  7. siddhant

    can anybody help me plzz….
    i downloaded DotA Allstars v6.64 AI 0.213.w3x map…..
    but its showing map file is too big plz choose another map….
    hw 2 solve dis prblm??? plz help me,,,

  8. RyaN

    Change Your Patch,.,.,.,Get a Newer Version Patch.
    That was my Problem Last Month Too,.,.

  9. siddhant

    dude….can u plz tel hw 2 change d patch????? nd what exactly d patch is ????

  10. i love you!!! very muck eowh phowx

  11. whitesiders

    hi, the funshop doesnt work on my dota, I’ve type -fun but it’s still doesnt work can anyone help me?

  12. siddhant

    can any1 hwlp me wid dis plzzz……..hw 2 change d patch???? nd what exactly is a patch ???? nd hw 2 get d newer version patch as wenever i download a map for my dota…..it says ur map size is too big plz choose another map…. plz help me out…

  13. Anonymous

    to download patch(1.24e) just searched it in the google.
    after downloading.
    copy paste it to your warcraft directory, a message will appear that it is duplicated just click yes to all.

  14. […] SUMBER […]

  15. siddhant

    thanx buddy……my prblm is solved…..thank you vry much 4 d help…. 🙂

  16. sava

    Great map i like but it is a little an old version!

  17. atarashii n_n

    nag dawul ka mittin gago allug fuck you freak weak damn freak ka animal ka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. hey guys do you know how to download dota for free!!cause i download it for free add on facebook agent_rayman@yahoo.com

  19. siddhant

    y dnt u try downloading it from torrents???

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