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Element TD Survivor 4.1 is Released

Element TD Survivor 4.1 has just released today. It fix lot of bugs, you can see the details on the changelog below:


-Fixed the multiple builder bug
-Fixed Ronald crash bug
-Fixed healing heals upon leak

-Major improvements to creep pathing (they stay on path and don’t cut corners anymore)
-Improvements in performance for Radius, Poison, Roots, Electricity, Gunpowder, Ice, Hydro, and Flesh Golem

-Ronald tweaked (see below)
-Terrain for area 4 (Purple) and 5 (Yellow) remade
-Builder now has a custom skin and voice (not so boring anymore!)
-Ronald’s custom skin was improved, notice the hair, belt, and shoes

-Elemental trophy terrain visibility fixes
-Fixed misplaced pure essence trophy
-Fixed SW (Super Weapons) Life Boost/Waygate hotkey conflict
-Fixed extra investment tooltip error

-Renamed some of the dialog boxes to make the mode less ambiguous
-Buildable areas behind portals removed, accessibility to random/extreme forbidden
-Contributor builder added for MagicalHacker, cohadar, and Isin (Void)
-Added race mode message to announce first clear

-Each upgrade now boosts both movespeed by 15 and hp by 15%, as opposed to just hp by 15%
-There are now only 15 levels of upgrade as opposed to 20
-New upgrade rates are: 10/20/30/50/75/100/150/200/300/400/500/750/1000/1250/1500
-Performance optimized, a lot


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  1. […] You can check the changelogs here. […]

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  3. Interesting and informative. But will you write about this one more?

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