Fight Of Characters 9.1D01 by none, FOC 9.1D01, FOCS3 Another 9.1D01(Asia). Pick one of the character from various manga and anime.
FOCS3 Another 9.1D01(Asia).w3x (7 MB)
Map Title : Fight of Characters
Map Category : Hero Arena
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I do not see how grieving goes. It may make it somehow?
it doesn’t have a duel system??? i pick infinite then classic mode.. and no duel system .. how can i get it to have duel???
Make bots, please~
these game is beutiful that can play by the children!
I downloaded FOCS3 9.1D01 and moved the file to Map > Downloads, but when I run Warcraft III it didn’t show the map. Can anyone tell me what is the problem? It was fine when I downloaded the previous map.
hmmm….u just open the download file and pull the file contain into ur folder . I guess u also can open extra folder for foc to get the file easier