Warcraft 3 Maps

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Pudge Wars Review

Pudge Wars is an alternative if you bored with complicated games and wanna have some fun. This map is simple, you are playing as Pudge and try to kill the enemy Pudge’s. The players divided into 2 teams, each team has maximal 3 Players.

Pudge, or rather called Baby Pudge in this map, has 3 skills. If you have playing Dota-Allstars, you must already 2 of them. The first skill is Dismember which bite and disabled your enemies. The second one is Hook which has 2000 range and deals 400 damage.And the last is Exploding Douche which plant a bomb and will explode when someone touch it, like Techies mine.

The 2 teams divided with a river. You can hook your enemies, but his friends can also save him by pull him back. The game end when a team lose all his players. Overall, this is a nice map to refresh your mind ๐Ÿ™‚


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